This page is still under construction. There are plenty more details of this project that I intend to provide!

Phase 1 - ISA Design

Reg-imm and reg-reg instruction codes:

Code Operation Info
000 ADD Addition: a + b
001 SUB Subtraction: a - b
010 AND Bitwise AND: a & b
011 OR Bitwise OR: a | b
100 XOR Bitwise XOR: a ^ b
101 LLS Logical left shift: a << b
110 LRSZ Logical right shift zero/unsigned: a >>> b
111 LRSS Logical right shift signed: a >> b

Phase 2 - High-Level Implementation Design

Entire CPU

Instruction Fetch (IF)

Instruction Decode (DEC)

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Data Memory Access (MEM)

Write-Back (WB)

Phase 3 - IC-Level Implementation Design

Click to see the full-detail PDF!

Instruction Fetch (IF)

Instruction Decode (DEC)

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Data Memory Access (MEM)

Write-Back (WB)

Phase 4 - Breadboarding

Full Board